Safety and Toxicity

Safety and Toxicity

Safety and Toxicity

Diverse responses of target or biomarker induced toxicity through different signaling pathways are identified through systematic literature review. Computational models are constructed to identify the impact of each drug or ingredients on susceptible target or biomarker. PancreaSolve’s platform evaluates the paradox effect of drugs or ingredients in combination which enables us to do the safety and toxicity analysis. Dose of either drug and/or ingredients in combinations are tested to identify the threshold dose.

Recently, we evaluated the effect of combinations of arginine and caffeine, found in dietary supplements taken by military personnel, on nitric oxide production, which is directly related to cardiovascular health. The analysis revealed that arginine alone increased the nitric oxide concentration whereas caffeine alone reduced the nitric oxide concentration in healthy individuals. In combination, the results indicated that production rate in healthy individuals did not increase significantly by arginine supplementation. On the other hand, arginine supplementation attenuated NO production rate to nearly normal levels in hyperglycemic/hypertensive individuals.