Stages of Drug Development

Source: Pacificbiolabs

Any drug development process must proceed through several stages in order to produce a product that is safe, efficacious, and has passed all regulatory requirements.

Pacific BioLabs can assist you in this process. Our scientists can help you to determine your testing needs, and our experienced staff can perform the critical tests and studies that are necessary to win FDA approval.

To get you started, below we have provided an in-depth overview of many stages in the drug development process and necessary studies. Keep in mind this is just a guide; if you have any specific questions call Pacific BioLabs at 510-964-9000 to speak to a knowledgeable resource who can help you identify what testing you may need to perform.

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This article highlights the scope for developing therapeutics with new innovative, alternative approaches. The current trillion dollars pharmaceutical industry is in peril where the current drug development pipeline is slow, inefficient and incapable of being extended to multi-combination drug therapies as well as minimally focused on prevention. The complex modeling of diseases and biological functions has been limited because of the inability to integrate large scale molecular pathways.

Watch this Video to understand how recent advances provide breakthrough technology for doing scalable modeling of complex molecular systems to dramatically accelerate drug discovery and development.

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